Thursday, May 6, 2010


Once Again it is time for the


This assess fitness level by seeing how many Push-ups, Sit and -ups that can be done in 1 minute along with timed shuttle runs and miles runs with a flexibility test in the sit and reach box.

We will be testing for 3 weeks at both schools. Please make sure that you bring you gym shoes, and a water bottle.

ACES - All Children Exercise Simultaneously

May 5, 2010

Each May, millions of school children all over the globe will exercise simultaneously in a symbolic gesture of fitness and unity. This non-competitive program has proven to be educational, motivational and fun. Starting its 21st year worldwide, ACES has reached millions of children, parents, and teachers including participants from more than 50 countries.

2010 marks the 12th year for ACES Day in Michigan with the continued support of Farm Bureau Insurance. Sponsorship from Farm Bureau Insurance has allowed the Michigan Fitness Foundation to provide an educational newsletter and sticker for each ACES participant.

Take a look at the entire school exercising at the same time. We exercised to Latin music and had a moment of silence observe Cinco De Mayo and National day of Prayer.

ACESlogoBlue-08.jpg FitnessFoundlogosmall.gif ACESprologo.gif

Friday, April 16, 2010

PE in the 2nd trimester of school

In the Gym or Classroom

In the gym at the Ellen Thompson Campus we have been jumping rope for cardiovascular health and playing exciting games of floor hockey. The winners of our Jump Rope Contest were:

Village Winners

K and 1- Lighthouse
Salaya Martin

2 and 3- Ujima
Alexus Roberts

4 and 5 - Amani
Nina Williams

In the classroom we are still focusing on the 5 components of fitness, but this time we put them into a workout video. We all learned the proper ways to follow an exercise video and how to get a "total body" workout.

~ Coach Marbry

Monday, March 8, 2010

1,000 Paper Cranes


In the coming weeks your 4th and 5th graders are going to be starting a very ambitious project. As an Art Teacher I try to involve my students in cultural awareness within and outside of the realm of their own cultures. In the past 24 weeks we have talked about Native Americans, from Pre-Historic Inuit tribes to Meso-American Mayan civilization. Now the Dream Builders Village is learning about Japanese folklore. This is not entirely new to them as Ms. Ginger and Mrs. Melkonian have introduced songs from Japanese culture.

The aspect that my 3-D Art students are going to focus on is the tale of Sadako and The Thousand Paper Cranes. The story tells of a girl who suffered from terminal radiation as a result of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. Long ago it was believed that if any person folded 1,000 paper cranes they would then be granted one wish but in modern times the folding of 1,000 paper cranes is viewed as an image of Peace. It is my goal to have the 4th and 5th grade Village complete this project, but here is the catch, we are doing it with 100% recycled materials. What this means is I will set up a box in the main office for paper donations. These donations can be anything from old magazines, flyers from the mail, sheets of paper that you no longer need, newspapers, advertisements etc. It can be anything that you were planning on throwing away. This project teaches the students about the importance of recycling and it also shows them how many things can be done with an old newspaper.

The box will be labeled as CRANE DONATION STATION. It is not mandatory to donate but anything will help!

Here is a link that shows you how to make your own Paper Cranes and the Wikipedia link to help fill in the rest of the story. Your kids would love it if you joined in! Thanks for your help!

Paper Sculptures

Hello Bloggers! Your students have been working with 3 dimensional shape development in 3-D Art with me, Ms. O. The assignment was for each student to create their own shape out of a small piece of paper, starting with a basic shape like a square or rectangle, and then adapting it to take it from a flat piece of paper to a dimensional shape. After they found their shape they recreated it dozens of times to create a final product.

Here are some examples from Mr. Bruner's 4th grade class. I hope you enjoy them!

Steven Anderson

Joshua Chapman

Felicity Moore

Kiara Gibson

Lauryn Brown

Corey Rich

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Metal Masks by Mrs. Martins 5th grade class

Ryan Sparks

Timothy Hatley

Andrew Blackmon

Amari Flowers

Daniel Dixon

Nina Williams

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Music Field Trips

Our young musicians were fortunate enough to experience some field trips in the last week. Please check out the music blogs for more details! Our links are on the sidebar to your right.

Mrs. Melkonian