Thursday, May 6, 2010


Once Again it is time for the


This assess fitness level by seeing how many Push-ups, Sit and -ups that can be done in 1 minute along with timed shuttle runs and miles runs with a flexibility test in the sit and reach box.

We will be testing for 3 weeks at both schools. Please make sure that you bring you gym shoes, and a water bottle.

ACES - All Children Exercise Simultaneously

May 5, 2010

Each May, millions of school children all over the globe will exercise simultaneously in a symbolic gesture of fitness and unity. This non-competitive program has proven to be educational, motivational and fun. Starting its 21st year worldwide, ACES has reached millions of children, parents, and teachers including participants from more than 50 countries.

2010 marks the 12th year for ACES Day in Michigan with the continued support of Farm Bureau Insurance. Sponsorship from Farm Bureau Insurance has allowed the Michigan Fitness Foundation to provide an educational newsletter and sticker for each ACES participant.

Take a look at the entire school exercising at the same time. We exercised to Latin music and had a moment of silence observe Cinco De Mayo and National day of Prayer.

ACESlogoBlue-08.jpg FitnessFoundlogosmall.gif ACESprologo.gif